L’UNE Lune Moon
L’ The UNE One
L’UNE The United Nations of Europe
We can see economically things are not so good. We also know about Russia and Ukraine. You could see that Russia and Ukraine came after the EU and the UK. One thing leading to another. The big EU bullying the little UK and so on. Ukraine provides a lot of the world’s wheat and a lot of the world’s sunflower oil. The UK provided and still provides the EU with a lot of money:
From 2017:
Really everyone should work for what they get. There should be no transferrals – the account should be 0 zero – no bars going far to the left or far to the right. This is not fair.
We can also see China rising, this is through the hard work of their people in factories, so much so they have the money to empower themselves in other lands in the way that Europe used to be able to do before the two world wars. Europe is now about books and intellectualism not hard graft and it is becoming poorer relative to other world powers, even if it chooses to have its head in the sand about this. Really you could say that it has its head in a book, rather than reality. And this is rather sad as reality around it gets harder the less that it looks at it. Really it needs to put its body to work instead to survive. Nose to the grindstone, put your back into it, get on your bike, turn your hand at anything, anymore I find I’ll add to this list later… Head in the clouds or feet on the ground…
I’ve been thinking about how Europe as a Continent could survive and thrive. The trouble with the continent is that those who work hard for it don’t benefit from their work and those that don’t work benefit from this. This is demoralising and disincentivising.
There are a lot of travel options for the rich leisured youth of Europe, it’s a bit like the Grand Tour of Classical locations. This is all whilst poor youth work away, paying rent for small rooms, by the time they have enough money to travel they are too old to capitalize on this deal. And then they wonder why such people start to develop negative associations with abroad and then when they go abroad their holiday experiences are limited. They don’t feel welcome and wish to keep themselves safe, and need a drink to cope with the stress of it all. Then, to top it all they are subsidizing the trips, travel and personally profitable networking of others. The only costs the taxpayer should bear are ones that contribute to the collective treasury, not to a detached elite. I’m thinking of a weird dance display in the European Parliament when France handed over it’s Presidency, waste of money, awkward and disrespectful of all those who have paid in. The intellectual youth benefits, including the unlimited rail travel ticket should cease. If you want a holiday you pay for it. When these privileges started this was pre-internet, young people are always on their devices getting in touch with the world. Travel for working age people should only be for productive work related exchanges, to discover work practices elsewhere, and to build up useful business relationships, and the trips should be short, time is money, not everyone would be able to go but all of the business would benefit in real terms.
Notes : easy to travel to Europe – easy jet ryan air etc plus perhaps get the elderly with time on their hands and life experience, and lacking the benefits of the EU even though they have paid for it in their taxes for decades – to go and meet many people and build up links and twinning towns … paying for lunchtime meals at restaurants, visiting historical sites, staying at each other’s homes, building relationships – this brings the old excluded from all this fun, in, to do really productive work and bring in trade for others at the same time, and aid their own mental health as then they will be less lonely and have a great life purpose to the benefit of now and the future.
The UK would not have left the EU if it had been allowed to keep the money we worked for rather than our service being given to aristocratic takers who do no work. In terms of economics this makes no sense. The United Kingdom’s Empire was built on what is called “The Protestant Work Ethic” what this is is that you make a certain amount of money from your business, profit, and instead of spending it you reinvest it back into the business, and then the business makes more money, you grow in wealth. The merchant class emerged when the Black Death killed off the Feudal System. The Feudal System made those who did the most work at the bottom have the least, and those who benefitted from their work the most. Sheep were a third of the size then than now, I suspect the Lord of the Manor always took the biggest for themselves so gradually the stock got smaller. The cows the same, and cows were at least double the size they are now in the Stone Age, so these things do have both a short and long term effect.
In many ways also the threatening geo-politics would not have occurred if we had not stopped making things, and made another country that does, a country that is the size of a continent too, the supreme economic power in the world, we should have kept working for it, and now we must up our game, I’m not saying all of us are not working for it, but investments in the block are being directed towards the aristocratic types in the arts or intellectualism, though it is ironic and cruel that you get automatic copyright for books for a time after your death for free and free when you are alive, but if you invent something, and necessity is the mother of invention, usually inventors are poor or stem from poverty, you have to pay a lot to protect your rights, and pay more and more over time, than after a certain length of time you lose your rights. It is all prohibitive to prosperity. I did suggest an idea on my antique website started in 1997 orionparty.org with royalties being paid, with the state protecting, and varying royalty rates for different types of innovation so fewer sales of hospital equipment can obtain more money. I have suggested royalty software for videos, audio and text on this blogsite.
What I would demand is that everyone works for what they get in their land, so that it is fair, and so the countries who do not generate sufficient income for their benefits are pushed to do so, and those who work hard in rich countries do not lose all they have worked for when their factories are just given away, their jobs posted abroad as charity, this is demoralising and demotivating, and this is having and has had a negative effect on productivity.
So no export of funds no need for the exchange. So no contributors nor recipients. All hands on deck to save this ship, to stop it sinking, to make it sail well into the future. We’ll all be rich, loaded with treasures, and these will be perfectly legitimate treasures all well won. The British Empire was actually gained via re-investment of profits, this is called the Protestant Work Ethic. Catholic countries, and I am a Catholic, do far too much partying, they emphasise children more than the hard working adults, and in the heat they organise their day badly, in an endlessly tiring way, having 2 shifts per day with a rest in the middle, but we all know that we do not really rest when we know we have to go back. They do this because of the heat of the day. I have worked in the early hours of the morning, when it is always the coolest. I think instead of the manana manana approach they should get the work done in one early block, be back at home at the heat of the day and not have to go back later on that day. It is cruel to drain the funds of those in the cold north who are working hard to survive in that climate, to make them go cold and eat badly, you can only grow one crop per annum in the north, you can grow two in the south, so to be fair we need all that we work for, it is gross exploitation to take our wages away to the sun of others.
Personally we could see in the Covid pandemic that each Leader of each Country had to deal with it to suit the characters of the people in their land. This was noticeable, I did watch many of the different approaches with interest. Steering people with their own volition to comply is so very different with so many different people types. We have to take this into account when we consider our diplomatic and political relationships, and not try to force people to be what they’re not, Aesop’s The Wind and The Sun springs to my mind here.
Politically, and this is why I called this The United Nations of Europe, L’ is The in French, in French the word order is different, but I am thinking in terms of the Revelations Woman clothed with the Sun, with the Moon at her feet and a Crown of 12 stars on her head, and as Lune is Moon in French this is the real reason for this. Politically, this means that what I think would work best, and would be more workable as expansion increases. This is a bit like the United States, but as we are not States within one Nation this would not be accurate terminology, we are Nations that are United. We are United when we are not forced to be – the wind is force, the sun is when one is willingly in.
The debating chambers, there are two, I honestly think would make good concert venues. We could have a much better more beautiful set up. I love it when the world leaders go on summits in beautiful places with wonderful backdrops, it looks really good, it is also fun for them to get out and about and useful for them too to see people in the real world, to get them out of the political bubble. I know you’re thinking of the high level security at top events, but on an ongoing basis this would be much more subtle, Emmanuel Macron goes out and about a lot, pressing the flesh, absolutely actually, not just literally in a book or at a distance, and facing up to people’s concerns as they very robustly question him about absolutely anything. This is really good. No forms to fill, fewer gatekeepers, concerns addressed well before they fester within troublingly.
What I notice with those who are MEPs, Members of the European Parliament, is that they compose of new entrants and failed national politicians. This is also the case at the Commission. The Commission, with all their power, is not even elected, this is a disgrace!
What I would do is have Nationally elected European Commissioners ECs. They would be departmentally commissioned by their people for a specific task, for example Transport. Transport would be the mission of this particular Commissioner the co element being with the people. Rather than have the anonymous lists of people who we don’t know, these would be knowns who would stand for a department they have experience in, ideally a National Government Transport Secretary. This is what I am after, people who can hit the ground running as they know what they are doing. Each territorial area would have an allocation of ECs based on their population numbers so that there is fair representation. Smaller nations may need to amalgamate departmental roles or get together with other nations, the larger nations are effectively united groups, Benelux is one grouping I can imagine. So the Health ECs would meet up to discuss and decide Health policy and action co-ordination across the Nations. Education ECs might choose to have their summits in school locations to see what they could learn from them. Employment ECs may meet in factories and work while they work. Environment ECs in places that need improvement and shining examples. They could stay in local hotels creating business there. And rather than being stuck in two separate silos they would all be out and about with the people, places, plants and other wildlife, developing relationships, links and understanding. And rather than being an amalgam of what we’re not all the individual nations would be able to express their national characteristics too.
We should also call each country by what they call themselves. I have a map where every city, every town, every river, every country is the name that the people where it is put called it. I think that would aid respect and understanding.
The flag is another thing I would like to flag up.
This is an edit add on to the original post, as I have given further thought to the national representation of each country in the centre.
This was initially inspired by Italy at the Olympics in Toyko 2020 (2021). The way they did theirs as a circle, I looked at it and felt hungry. These were designed by Armani with EA7 which looks like EAT – Enlightening!
I felt like pizza, pasta and an ice cream – the centre being the ice cream, pesto, spinach and or basil in green and tomato in the red, the centre could also be a slice of Mozzarella too!
When I saw their G20 spaghetti yellow circle I had to have pasta for lunch that day!
I started thinking about how other countries could do this, but was held back by some due to their iconic historical significance, I’m specifically thinking of the flag of France and the revolution, then they, like Italia answered my prayers in their Olympic Uniforms in 2022:
Here the white could be a bottle of wine, or Camembert or Brie the blue blueberries, what they call myrtilles, or a bunch of grapes, the red strawberries which are the shape of hearts or rose wine, could be a Beef Bourguignon or a Ratatouille. It would be up to them what they represent. The surrounding yellow for France could be a slice of their iconic bread or a croissant cross section.
Another stripey flag, that of Ireland could be represented by an Irish Stew with cubes of potatoes in the centre, cubed carrots on one side, peas on the other swimming in mutton gravy and meat. A whole slice of a yellow skinned potato could represent their yellow ring perfectly, you cannot get enough potatoes in Ireland.
The Nederlands also have a stripey flag, but they prefer to represent themselves in their favourite colour orange, a Dutch word, so I’m imagining their centre to represent an orange, as in the House of Orange, William of Orange came to rule Great Britain and ordered our variegated, mostly purple carrots to be completely orange from now on, and this has spread worldwide, so the centre should have an inner ring like you see in a slice of carrot and this will render the orange to be 3D. Their yellow ring could be a yellow waxed cheese.
Danmark brought home the bacon for us all, I know as I currently live in a town named after a Danish King Swein Forkbeard, Swindon, and this is the start of what we call Wiltshire ham, before this there was a different pork product, Wild Boar, their pigs have pink skin, this is now the standard, worldwide. Their flag looks like bacon or ham, yummy. There is a railway running through the town, and an iconic item you can get from the Buffet car on British Rail are Danish Pastries, so their yellow ring could be a representative of these.
Wondering and worrying about how the United Kingdom would get around the complex Union Jack Flag whilst eating Jubilee cupcakes I was inspired, as we love to have our cake and eat it. We also like a good roast dinner and a Yorkshire pudding with it. The flag is in quarters (some could say 8ths) the UK is an amalgamation of 4 Nations, so the food could be a 2 course meal with the savoury yellow ring surrounds being pie and pudding with a red pork pie filling and a rare red beef filling, and the sweet the yellow ring being cake with white icing and decorations on the top and jam on cream (controversial to some) on a scone, all on a blue plate in effect!
España brought a lot of Latin American food to Europe – potatoes and tomatoes have been mentioned. They also introduced corn, sweetcorn, corn on the cob and colourful sweet peppers. Gazpacho and chorizo are Spanish classics, so are tortilla and paella, as are patatas bravas and crème caramel. It is quite handy that the flag is yellow and red. The yellow surround could be a tortilla.
Germany could have a meal of a frankfurter or hamburger or both with tomato ketchup and a slice of Black Forest Gateau with a drink of golden bier.
This is the start of the banquet, with some idea of the plates of some places. Clearly it is up to each place to present themselves to us all as they wish to.
Food is a pleasant experience we all get to enjoy, and having a different flag from our National ones to represent us all coming round the table to talk to each other and enjoy each other’s company.
Another aspect in this European Community is that there are those within the community who are bringing people from without of the Community via their own National entry systems who then have the right to enter other Nations without those other Nations being able to say No to this. An example that has seriously affected me is Goans getting Portuguese Passports who came straight to the UK and now their relatives are pouring in post Brexit. Portugal decided to keep hold of it’s Empire and entitled Goan Indians to a Portuguese Passport when they rescinded control of the State. As you can see from the bar chart the already burdening Portugal is burdening the contributing UK even more. And the Goans in India are far from reciprocating.
Relevant links:
https://publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm201314/cmhansrd/cm130612/text/130612w0002.htm India 12 Jun 2013 : Column 354W
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3403136/How-20-000-Indians-slipped-UK-Portuguese-passports-legally.html this article is factually correct, I know some of the people featured in it
https://littleindia.com/uks-goan-hub-of-eastcott-swindon-gets-indian-origin-councilor/ this is where I live and Holy Rood Church is in this area.
I used to go to this church, Holy Rood in Swindon, when it was happily international, we welcomed everyone, Goans got everyone to go, one accused me of racism in 2018 according to the priest (an ex-Lloyds banker whom we had bailed out to our costs in 2008, the taxpayer kept and funded his pension) whom I’d done a lot for (I reckon it was 1 man in a Council property, said he loved me, I rejected him, knowing he wanted my house really) the priest allowed Goan National Day of Independence to be celebrated in the Church. It is now all Goan, as are all but one Catholic Church in Swindon, that is Polish, International Catholics have nowhere to go. This is me in the front row in the pink cardigan:
There is also a Polish Catholic Community in Swindon. They have a Polish National Church in Swindon in Polish. I have been there twice, once as the only English person there, the other time with a few more English Nationals. In the appeal for Ukraine they felt overwhelmed with their facility being used to house donations after just two weeks or one fortnight. Please also look at the bar chart again to see they are the overwhelming takers in the European Community.
Link: Ukraine appeal https://www.thisiswiltshire.co.uk/news/19961151.swindon-can-donate-people-ukraine-need/
Schengen and Freedom of movement clearly isn’t fair, particularly on the poor in the contributory countries, Swindon where this occurs is a neglected working class town. When you go to work as an English National you are regarded as in the majority, and therefore not protected by legislation to protect minorities in the workplace, yet in your workplace you are not only in the minority, there are gangs of Poles and Goans who distance you from management and make your security of employment poor, they take twice.
What should be is that those, and Germany’s invitation which they later asked others to bear as they found the result of it too much to bear, is another big example, who invite people in or who get others to pay them for passports to enter in, should be only allowed and able to give these people freedom of their Nations for Fifty years at least for their Families. So those who gain or make policy decisions bear the costs and the consequences, Fully.
Also Freedom of movement, economically must be earned. Quite a few of our Factories in the UK who have been flooded with Eastern European Staff now have had their full facilities flow over there, all those long English hours of work over decades, all that investment in time, ingenuity and money, has been lost, it feels like the pillaging from Vikings of old, in effect it is the same thing. So only parallel movement may occur, with my model, with all taker states having to give, as the UK, even though we joined in dire straits, had to do, until their account is at neutral to the general exchequer, what I mean is giving what the UK contributed back to the UK. And the UK would reasonably return, fairly back to the fold, and it could be a member in its individual Nations, if that was what was desirable, the still small voice of English calm has been overwhelmingly drowned out by the incessant demands of others, hence the loud Brexit scream. The only voice we had was in the quiet of the ballot box, the vote stating what we would really volunteer for, what we wanted. All work based movement must be at the behest of the worker recipient Nation, as the reason they may say no is to ensure their own rights in reality. I have signed away the 48 hour rule in order to get work, some rights are not rights in practice for most people. Hence the anger, the desire for division. There is no point a worker in a contributor state to keep at it if this means their country gets in a more of a bad state the more work they put in, and for taker states they are winning without giving, they are becoming ever more spoiled and demanding. This is not a recipe for success nor good conduct. Those who bring food to the table should be able to eat, those who do not need to go to the farm and produce some before they come round the table with others to be fair.
L’UNE Lune Moon
L’ The
L’UNE The United Nations of Europe

From Revelations:
The Woman and the Dragon
1Then a great and mysterious sight appeared in the sky. There was a woman, whose dress was the sun and who had the moon under her feet and a crown of twelve stars on her head. 2She was soon to give birth, and the pains and suffering of childbirth made her cry out.
3Another mysterious sight appeared in the sky. There was a huge red dragon with seven heads and ten horns and a crown on each of his heads.
4With his tail he dragged a third of the stars out of the sky and threw them down to the earth. He stood in front of the woman, in order to eat her child as soon as it was born.
L’ UNE – The United Nations of Europe
I have noticed with Covid that each nation across the world tackles controlling the virus differently. They understand their own people because they are one with them, because they are individually one of them. You can really sense their national characteristics in this, and this is very interesting. This is clear to see in Europe too. Each individual country is like a unique individual. It is plain to see. Going against their personalities has proved disastrous with solving this crisis, the vaccine roll-out is an obvious example. Whereas fully autonomous nations have got the %age graph of those vaccinated going at speed. Once a nation returns to thinking independently they thrive. It is as if they are now using the full %age of their brains to solve it and have deployed their full social muscle.
They go up a gear. I’ve noticed a correlation between size of country and its wealth too. Small countries thrive better than huge ones, there is more real control and less conflict. Ruling from a distance never works in the long term as is seen historically by the case of Britain trying to hold on to the taxation revenues of the United States. I’m sure they’d drink to that, and I am equally sure that coffee would be more their ‘cup of tea’ there.
The United States is a great model of how to order a vast nation together, as the individual states can create regulations, ruling in their own domain, to suit where they are. They come together via mutual consent.
With Europe we are not new States but very old Nations. You could argue that the U.S.A. – the United States of America – should encompass more original Nations in its State Structure. You could also make the point within Europe too. But to start allowing current Nations to control their own destiny and to work for their own betterment makes the whole more prosperous. A major reason for Brexit was that the working peoples who worked hard found that all the money they had worked for was sent away to those that had not worked for it. Also even after all of that control was not even allowed to be maintained by the income generating countries, they were additionally insulted by being dictated to by the taker states.
There was no incentive for the Workers in Contributor Countries to work hard as they never got to keep this money, they were in reality slaves, going out slaving away all day for others who did not treat them right. Then people flooded in to the expensive places with higher wages to send these home raising housing costs, providing relatively cheap labour, increasing competition for jobs, diminishing rights. The fights start there. A seasonal farm worker can earn enough in a few short weeks at a rate which would not sustain a local poor employee, to build massive mansions back home not needing to do any more work that year. Most of the employers in the wealthy lands have received subsidies via taxes via the very people they reject.
Then there is the efficiency issue. Large African countries the size of Europe usually lack control within their states, often wars break out over this, which lead to poverty. The cause of poverty is not without of the country, it is not another country’s fault, the problem lies within, and it is a matter of control. Uganda and Zimbabwe used to be the bread baskets of Africa – when they were over-controlled from without – when that left and they did not know what to do, how to handle it, they became basket cases of extreme poverty and lack of governmental control. Many African countries are the size of many European countries combined. No wonder they have problems, it’s not surprising, their land mass area is unmanageable. Europe is also struggling to manage the scope of the size. There is also the diversity of character. African Nations were not always that size, tribes operated in much smaller domains, the size of a tribal domain would better suit in terms of community and control. They would be so much better off that way. There are atmospheres of type too – expecting all of Africa to get together just because they are on one huge land mass is unreasonable, do we ever say the same about the Eurasian Plate on the planet – tonnes of difference there and no pressure to pretend to get together required.
Regarding the organisation of Europe collective responsibility needs to be that – each Nation needs to take responsibility so that as a collection of Nations more responsibility is taken. Currently this is not so. The daft 2 parliament locations, both in Brussels and Strasbourg is both stupid and inefficient. I think that model anyway, what with the internet, is dated. Also as this means that power is always located in certain Nations but not others this is a) going to annoy those Nations who never have them located where they are b) it is stuck and immovable, like a rock around a chain around the foot of progress, it is inflexible. If the current centre is at point c say, and then more join the club and so a different point d say was really the central point, power is pointing in the wrong direction. This is a constant issue. So having no central axis and allowing all to feel central and trusting this makes more feel at home in the club. Talking of clubs and entertainment just looking at the two parliamentary buildings I feel and think they would make great music and entertainment venues, everyone would get a good view, I hope the acoustics are great too!
Okay, now for the finances, the current accounting system does not work, it is not fair to pool resources and then pay people from that pool. If people want to represent themselves or their Nation they must put their money where their mouth is and pay for the privilege. If you cannot afford to have as much representation as another Nation you need to work hard, and become more productive, in order to do so. The manner it is done now is impoverishing. This is good business for the block and makes it prosperous. Thinking on the competitor countries everywhere else you simply cannot afford to rest on your laurels, partying like Nero as Roma burns. That is self-psychotic destruction. All hands on deck will make this ship sail smoothly. So if you want staff from your Nation to work at the core of this organisation you have to pay them, directly, yourself.
I think the MEP system is silly also, and does not make the best of your representatives work there. Usually the ones chosen to stand for the European parliament are those just starting out in their political careers, trying to prove themselves, getting their Curriculum Vitae or C.V. together to get a role in their home parliaments, their aim is to be the top in their own country, and the EU parliament is a mean to that end. You also find in the EU parliament failed to gain a seat at home sorts, yet they can win here, so not the dross, but second best. The Commission, even though it has a huge amount of power is unelected. This, in a democratic organisation, is not right. I am not comfortable about many of those who get to be Commissioners, nor do I remember Commissioning them, ever.
My way of doing this would be to allow those who had been at the top in their own lands to stand in their own lands to be elected as Commissioners for a Certain task. For example a Transport Secretary could stand for Transport Commissioner. To be Commissioned is to be sent out to do a task – like Missionaries are sent out by The Divine, Co-Missionaries are sent out by us, all the little people. There are all the obvious standard government departments to stand for, common across us all. If a Nation is small or cannot afford a large number they can be Commissioned by their own people for a number of departments. Large Nations might like to appoint or elect sub-commissioners, they will have power if elected but be only advisory if appointed, if advisory they will have not decisive capacity. Elections will take place at each Nations chosen timetable, each of us has major elections at different times, so not wishing to inconvenience anyone, or cause huge unnecessary costs, these can be held when other elections are being held, this will assist intra-National stability, which is clearly good.
There will be no set place for these Commissioners to meet, currently in Covid Zoom is the preferred location, so this shows that this form of governance is possible, as it has been done. It will be good for currently left out Regions to be able to host Commission meetings at great locations in their areas. Quite a lot of tensions across the continent have been caused by some places getting everything and others getting forgotten. They can show off what is good where they are, get trade from it and attract tourism. This looks good, rather than the boring same old same old, we need vibrancy and change, as change is the only constant in life in reality. And this will be fun for the Commissioners too.
The Commissioners will remain accountable to their respective leaders, Prime Ministers and Presidents the usual examples. The good thing about this model is that it is expandable as it is flexible, and the smaller numbers mean it is genuinely meet up able in that you actually can get to communicate properly with everyone present in the location. Huge parliaments do not work in this context as such a small %age of viewpoints can be heard I the time for debate. This isn’t purely a debating forum, this is an Action Station. We, the Commissioners meet up, discuss something about what we are going to do about an item, then in getting together agree a short and long term plan of Action, decide what everyone must have Achieved by the next time we all meet, individually, those Commissioners in that meeting then liase with their leaders who agree what is possible. They sign up to what they Will do, and go and get it done. Things like Gannt progress charts online can display their progress.
They will be called Commissioner then their name. Commissioners will also be known in their name like MEPS were and MPs in the UK are at the end of their name with the suffix Com, for Commissioner, Communication, Community, Company, Competence.
This is an upgrade of the old EU and the even older EC with an amalgamation of the natural Nation states, which whatever organisations spring up are resilient beings that want to carry on living. It is best to have the Serenity to accept the things we cannot change, the Courage to change the things we can, and the Wisdom to know the difference. This is what this does.
It allows Nations to decide for themselves on issues in their own land, for example immigration, one country currently may be letting a lot of people in knowing full well that they will not have to keep them all, some let them in knowing that they intend never to visit, but the incomers are using them as a tool of entry elsewhere, and that elsewhere has no say or control of its borders in this, numbers keep coming, then the afraid locals are labelled racists and they come rushing in. With this model every Nation will be able to Take Back Control of this and be free to say No, and if another Nation invites many in, they can maintain their Sovereignty by saying no to their continued free movement. In fact, the little people will be able to legitimately fight back the previous incursions by being free to demand incomers return to the country they paid for entry or allowed them to pass through borders that should not have been open to all comers. To do this a sweeping census to ascertain originality will take place. Those not having evidence will be swept out. They all know where they came from. Europe as a continent is over-populated – you can see this from satellite views of the continent. We have created a sustainable procreation. This followed a period of growth. We must not allow ourselves to be overtaken by those who come to take that all away wrecking the environment for our wildlife and cornering us into smaller and smaller spaces driving us mad in our imprisonment dictating what we all must think, feel and believe and to not be European at all in nature.
In order to illustrate this I have designed an amalgamation of our flags. There are the 12 stars surrounding the moon. I call this organisation The or in French L’ United Nations of Europe, L’UNE Lune is moon in French as you know, which is why the moon is central in this. We love each other and we love ourselves too, our Nations so there is the heart, in a current up-to-date emoji form, communication, and our own individual personal National flag in there with it, be beat a dual rhythm in and out, as a heart does, and that is what keeps it in balance. Each body part has its place, its location, and that is what make the whole body strong, it can defend itself against all evil incursions into its territory, it can face down all terrorism. Like a strong skin stops infections from without getting within and fights them off both within and without. A fort, a fortress, a strong bond which others will respect. It has Control.
I have written this over a period of time, and this timely recent entry is apt, and immediately reflects my ambition to have these venues for music, this is set in Strasbourg, Emmanuel Macron is speaking, there is a video of this on the link, second paragraph in:
“Je suis en effet très heureux de vous retrouver et que nous nous retrouvions ici aujourd’hui en cette journée de l’Europe. Très heureux aussi que nous la célébrions par un engagement politique commun, par la musique qui est sans doute notre langage universel et je remercie les artistes qui se sont également rendus disponibles. ”
“I am indeed very happy to see you again and that we are here today on this Europe Day. I am also very happy that we are celebrating it with a common political commitment, with music which is undoubtedly our universal language, and I thank the artists who have also made themselves available. ”
Perhaps the lovely Eurovison!!!
Illustration links
Customisable to insert your own National flag:
UNE The United Nations of Europe
From my book:
Mr Messy was cross. He was watching Eurovision. Britain hadn’t won again. He thought “it must be Brexit!” But then he looked online for previous results and found that despite Britain paying a lot for it they hadn’t won when we all were Europhiles. Perhaps that’s why people voted as they did, he pondered, no-one would like to keep paying for a party and then keep getting laughed at whilst those that hadn’t paid won all the prizes in the raffle without even having to pay for a ticket, you’d want to leave and go to another party where people shared the costs of it and you got to win a few times too. Mr Messy, however, did like the system of voting for the winner. It took ages, longer than the actual songs, Mr Messy wasn’t fussed about the songs, or the unity, he didn’t stay up all night for that. No, he enjoyed the endless formulaic scripted answers from the juries and people from all over Europe. He was thrilled when they added heats into the mix, as this meant two more days of voting, well one for the UK, so they got to express their opinion for 50% of the non-contributor entrants, which he thought was perfectly fair when one had foot – not feet, which foot is 50% of – the majority of the bill.
An individual who shall not be named, for clearly obvious reasons, said that the two – he loved Europe for this, duplicate copies of absolutely Everything – European parliamentary chambers could be chambers of music, music venues and that they could hold Eurovision at one or the other, a classical unus and a popular one. Someone else completely daft once suggested that it would be good to start an hour earlier, to have everyone singing on one night in union together, so it would be a singalong-a-marathon kind of thing. And then, even more ludicrously had the notion of allowing everyone to vote – not juries, “What were they thinking!?” – for every song they wanted to even their own (they said that it was not fair for the UK to never win as the whole of Europe came here to work and vote for themselves but as there was work in the UK, United Kingdom could not be abroad to vote for itself, they said it was rigged against us) And as people phoned in (which would pay for it all rather than the UK all the bloody time) the results would show real time, to encourage more phone calls, more money for those that staged it, they said that would be fun. And in the 12 minutes that was happening there could be a little fun show. Mr Messy thought that would take all the fun out for him, leaving only the boring bits.
Why were people always trying to rock the boat as it were, to clean up and streamline systems and processes that worked perfectly well, and had done so for years. Trying to relax in the bath, he needed that after Eurovision and hearing the suggestion repeated, again, on the News, he thought on those throughout history who had lost their Administrative Positions due to new technology, from Scribes when the Printing Press came in to now where paper is being replaced by screens.